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How to calculate predicted probabilities and CIs after mi estimate: runmlwin

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 6:41 am
by Silverstein
Dear All,

I am trying to get predicted probabilities and their 95% confidence intervals after the following runmlwin syntax:

Code: Select all

xi: mi estimate, cmdok: runmlwin y cons (x1 i.x2 i.x3 x4,contrast(1/4)), level2(lv2id: (cons x1, contrast(1/4))) level1(id:) discrete(dist(multinomial) link(ologit) denom(cons) basecategory(5) pql2) rigls nopause
The estimation itself was successful! :P
But does anyone know how to calculate predicted probabilities and CIs after this?
Or could it be possible to use 'Customised Predictions' in MLwiN? (e.g. by exporting the estimated results to MLwiN?)
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

My MLwiN is version 2.30
My Stata/IC is version 13.1 for Windows (64-bit)

Best wishes,