Variance Partition Coefficient with binary outcome

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Variance Partition Coefficient with binary outcome

Post by giodje12 »

Dear runmlwin users,
I have recently completed my multilevel logistic analyses (MCMC method), using 11 countries and around 25,000 respondents. I initially computed the null model, then introduced the person-level variables, to finally also include country-level characteristics. As I was hoping for, once I account for the country-level variables, the level-2 variance drops considerably (from 0.748 to 0.105).
When presenting the results, however, I show not only the variance estimates at the country level, but also the country-level variance as a percentage of the total variance. To my understanding, however, multilevel logistic models do not provide a direct estimate of first-level variance. The lower level variance is automatically constrained to the value of pi^2/3 =3.29. The estimated total variance is therefore the sum of the level-2 variance + 3.29.

To my understanding, however, there are ways to estimate first-level variance, namely "model linearisation", "simulation" or the "latent variable approach". I was therefore wondering whether you could help me calculate the lower-level variances and whether you could advice me on which is the best method to do so?
Is there a Stata do-file to do so using runmlwin?

I hope I made myself clear enough in explaining my issue.
As always, I very much appreciate your attention and time, and value your comments! Of course, if it is not possible (or does not make much sense) to estimate the level-1 variance, please just let me know ;)
Best regards, giodje12
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Re: Variance Partition Coefficient with binary outcome

Post by GeorgeLeckie »

Hi giodje12,

Most people do exactly what you suggest

display "VPC = " [RP2]var(cons)/([RP2]var(cons) + _pi^2/3)

and this is what I would recommend. N

There are, however, other approaches and you list some of these. The simulation approach is described on page 131 of the MLwiN manual. We have replicated this using runmlwin ...

Note that the latent variable approach is the _pi^2/3 approach which you refer to

As an aside, 11 Countries is on the low side for a multilevel analysis, but I am sure you realise this

Best wishes

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