Age-Cohort-Period Effect by Country / HAPC, runmlwin

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Age-Cohort-Period Effect by Country / HAPC, runmlwin

Post by KazimovHH »

Dear Community,

I am trying to plot the cohort group effect by country after estimating Hierarchical Age Period Cohort Model (HAPC):

This is the model - binary outcome variable with four levels (country, cohort group, period and individuals), cross-classified:

Code: Select all

	sort cntry_n cohortgrp essround ind
	runmlwin vote cons age_cen age_censq, ///
		level4(cntry_n: cons) ///
		level3(cohortgrp: cons) ///
		level2(essround: cons) /// 
		level1(ind:) ///
		discrete(distribution(binomial) link(logit) denom(cons) pql2)
	display "`c(current_time)' `c(current_date)'"		
	runmlwin vote cons age_cen age_censq, ///
		level4(cntry_n: cons, residuals(k)) ///
		level3(cohortgrp: cons, residuals(v)) ///
		level2(essround: cons, residuals(u)) /// 
		level1(ind:) ///
		discrete(distribution(binomial) link(logit) denom(cons)) ///
		mcmc(cc burnin(5000) chain(500000) hcen(3)) initsprevious nopause nogroup	
	display "`c(current_time)' `c(current_date)'"		

	save hapc, replace
	estimates save hapc, replace
Then I plot the cohort group effect (based on the Bell&Jones (2017) HAPC):

Code: Select all

egen pickone = tag(cohortgrp)
	mat A = e(b)
	scalar B = A[1,1] 
	gen newv0 = v0 + B
	replace newv0 = invlogit(newv0)
	gen newv0seHI = v0 + B + (1.96*v0se)
	gen HIv0= invlogit(newv0seHI)
	gen newv0seLO = v0 + B - (1.96*v0se)
	gen LOv0= invlogit(newv0seLO)
	sort cohort
	twoway (line newv0 cohortgrp if pickone==1) ///
	(line LOv0 cohortgrp if pickone==1, lpattern(dash)) ///
	(line HIv0 cohortgrp if pickone==1, lpattern(dash)), ///
	legend(off) scheme(s2mono) graphregion(color(white)) ///
	ytitle("") xtitle("Birth Year") ///
	xscale(range(1900 2000)) yscale(range(0.7 0.8)) ///
	xlabel(1909(20)1990) ylabel(0.5(0.1)0.8)

	graph save hacp_cohortgrp, replace 
Here is the plot:
Cohort Group Effect
Cohort Group Effect
hacp_cohortgrp.png (58.08 KiB) Viewed 4191 times
Afterwards, I try to plot by country simply adding the "by country, compact" to the twoway code:

Code: Select all

sort cohort
	twoway (line newv0 cohortgrp if pickone==1, by(cntry, compact)) ///
	(line LOv0 cohortgrp if pickone==1, lpattern(dash)) ///
	(line HIv0 cohortgrp if pickone==1, lpattern(dash)), ///
	legend(off) scheme(s2mono) graphregion(color(white)) ///
	ytitle("") xtitle("Birth Year") ///
	xscale(range(1900 2000)) yscale(range(0.7 0.8)) ///
	xlabel(1909(20)1990) ylabel(0.5(0.1)0.8)
Here is the plot by country:
Cohort Group Effect by Country
Cohort Group Effect by Country
hacp_cohortgrp_cntry.png (72.88 KiB) Viewed 4191 times

However, it shows only one country. Please share your suggestions.

Looking forward.
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Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:34 am

Re: Age-Cohort-Period Effect by Country / HAPC, runmlwin

Post by ChrisCharlton »

Can you confirm that there is data present for the other countries when you issue the plot command? Maybe you could create some summary tables using the same filtering. If they are there you could try plotting simpler versions of the charts to check that they work as expected.
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