ML multiple imputation

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ML multiple imputation

Post by shanekav »

Ok, first question...

Firstly, congratulations on Stat-JR. I am still trying to get my head around it, but it seems a remarkably farsighted piece of software.

I have been waiting on the the release particularly as I need to run multiple imputation for missing data on a large ML model. In REALCOM it was so slow as to make it impractical. So far, on looking at the software and looking through the manual I have not been able to work out how to do this. Could you advise me on this?


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Re: ML multiple imputation

Post by richardparker »

Hi Shane,

Thanks for your query; we have been developing a template, and eBook, to conduct multiple imputation for 2-level models in Stat-JR; we aim to make this available early in the new year - we'll post a link on this forum, and in a news item on the CMM home page, as soon as it's available.

Best wishes,

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Re: ML multiple imputation

Post by richardparker »

Hi again,

Further to my last post, we've just uploaded some additional templates on our Stat-JR downloads page (; the files in the "further multivariate normal and mixed response models" folder, in particular, might be of interest to you in the interim, since they can generate imputed datasets.

Best wishes,

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Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:55 am

Re: ML multiple imputation

Post by shanekav »

Great! Thanks, will have a look and keep an eye out.

Posts: 61
Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:49 pm

Re: ML multiple imputation

Post by richardparker »

Following on from this thread, if anyone else is interested in software to perform multiple imputation for 2-level models with missing data, please see the newly-released 2LevelImpute Stat-JR template (and supporting Stat-JR eBook) downloadable from here: ... evelImpute
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Re: ML multiple imputation

Post by JoseSpencer »

I used the 'Amelia' package. You can try it
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